About Us

Seeking Beyond Paranormal, Est. 2023

We are small team of paranormal enthusiasts-turned-investigators based in Huntsville, Alabama. As enthusiasts, we started out wanting to travel to the country's most haunted locations and experience them the way they were meant to be experienced. Not only would it be a fun and unique way to get out and travel, but it would give us meaningful and personal connections to this world we've only ever seen in popular media over the years. However, our first event was enough to light the spark for becoming our own team of paranormal investigators.

David Reimer, Founder

Growing up, I had almost zero knowledge or interest in the paranormal. I had some understanding of what an afterlife was and what spirits were supposed to be, but beyond some dogmatic knowledge from Catholic school and knowing what scary movies were, the paranormal just wasn't anything that was on my radar. I couldn't even tell you if I believed in any of it or not, it just wasn't a topic I put any energy into. Then in 2004, a little TV show called Ghost Hunters debuted and changed my whole perspective on things. It was really intriguing to see what they were doing, how they were doing it, and why.

In college, I began to actually experience some paranormal occurrences. My first notable experience was a floor lamp in my old bedroom turning itself on at 2am right above my head, and then turning itself off a few minutes later. The following day my parents would reveal all sorts of activity they've experienced in their house (and continue to experience today!), and I began to pay attention. After college, I experienced more activity in my own home, where I began keeping a journal of the experiences. I would even go on to have an experience involving a close friend that passed away, which really cemented my beliefs and turned the paranormal into more than just a casual interest. That journal would eventually grow to be an 11-page Word document, and it is my hope to seek out more experiences and continue that documentation with Seeking Beyond.

Jessica Reimer, Founder

When I was growing up, my parents and I were Buddhist and switched to Metaphysical Christianity, each of which gave me a broad perspective of the world, the afterlife, and everything in between. I've always been fascinated by the supernatural and paranormal, mostly through fictional books and movies. My interest in the paranormal specifically developed when the TV show Ghost Hunters came out. That interest grew even more when my sister Sherrie joined a ghost hunting team in Kansas, the Wichita Paranormal Research Society, which is part of the worldwide TAPS Family.

Before we founded Seeking Beyond Paranormal, I never experienced anything definite. I had occasionally experienced a glimpse of something or heard an unusual sound, but nothing that couldn't be explained away. I am hoping that our adventures and investigations allow me to experience something that is, without a doubt, paranormal.